General Discussion

What out of character decisions / actions have you made / taken in your journey loving someone struggling with addiction? (6)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries 11.7.18 (7)
What are weekends like for you and your loved one? (1)
What is one thing you wish you better understood about addiction? (6)
How do you handle being around a loved one in active addiction if/when they are using? (4)
Have you ever gotten rid of your loved one’s stash and what was the reaction? (4)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries 10.31.18 (8)
Do you feel your past contributed to your loved one's addiction? (4)
Where are the weirdest places you've found your loved one hiding their stuff? (6)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries 10.24.18 (7)
How do your grieve your "old normal?" (3)
When / how do you get pushed beyond your limits and act out of character in the face of addiction? (2)
How do I have a conversation with family members or friends who are in denial / are ignoring the problem? (6)
How can I help him without enabling? (3)
How has your and your partner’s separate experiences affected your collective understanding of addiction? (3)
How do you know when to reach out to your loved one? (5)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 10/9/18 (9)
As a concerned friend or family member, what is your own relationship to alcohol or other substances like? (5)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 10/3/18 (6)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 9/26/18 (6)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 9/19/18 (8)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 9/12/18 (5)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 9/5/18 (4)
Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 8/29/18 (6)
Weekly Wins & Worries - for the week of 8/22/18 (5)
How do we encourage these young kids that are using to want a better life? (5)
Are you in touch or out of touch with your loved one right now? (3)
Weekly Wins & Worries 8/15/18 (7)
What do I tapering off 1st? Opiates or xanax? (2)
When did you first know your loved one was having a problem with substance use? (3)