I’m new to this platform - I’m still learning the ropes - but I’m no stranger to addiction, recovery, and codependency. I’ve married 2 addicts - the first I left, the second I was ready to when he chose treatment. He’s got almost 7 years clean now. I knew I wanted to help other women ‘find themselves’ when he got to be about 3 years clean and I was still a miserable B****.
So I did MY WORK. I’d done alanon and celebrate recovery and they were incredibly helpful, as was traditional psychotherapy. But something was missing. Long story short I met a woman who was a life coach, and fast forward today - and I’m a life coach
For the last 2 years I’ve had a block around the word “coach”. In my head (you know the B%^$# that lives up there - mine is named Negative Nelly) - I could hear “You’re really only good at f-ing things up… And beating the shit out of yourself for it”
I felt as if a coach is someone who knows about the game (sports reference) and can help others adjust their technique and plays to be a winner. Since most of the time I feel like I’m winging it - I’ve had a really hard time embracing “Coach” as a title. It was an awesome fit when I was the self-proclaimed #coachforwivesofaddicts and focused strictly on those in relationships where addiction was part of the hubby’s journey. But let’s be real - when the one you love is in active addiction, it can be brutal to work on YOU.
I told Nelly to cut the shit. Because even IF it was true that I’m good a F-ing things up. And beating the sh!t out of myself for it. I’M MADE TO LIFT OTHERS and remind them NOT to beat themselves up. To remind them of the truth.
So- I am a accountability and support partner. Why partner? Because I’m committed to the journey WITH you. Not as a leader, but as a kind of guide. I can see things from another perspective. Ask you to dig deeper and ponder the hard questions. I’m a neutral third party who only has your growth and success as a goal.
Together, we can shift the trajectory of your life.
I look forward to getting to know you all, and contributing to the healing of your wounds. <3